User ID solutions must hit the sweet spot cookies missed

贴在 2022年9月7日星期三 | 蒂娜拉 -广告技术主管,IAB英国

蒂娜拉 explains how the IAB is working with industry to chart the UK’s path to a post-cookie world

When Google announced back in January that it would be phasing out use of third-party cookies in Chrome within two years, following similar moves by Firefox and Safari, it set the clock on a new era of digital advertising.

在过去的几十年中, third-party cookies have become widely used to track and target consumers online. Yet cookies were never created for this purpose and, 从那以后的几年里, misuse of them has become popularly synonymous with a poor online experience. 我们都有过这样的经历.

When you get persistently retargeted for a pair of trainers you bought 3 weeks ago and that aren’t even that comfortable, it starts to grate (and not just on your heels).

With Chrome accounting for nearly two-thirds of UK browsing, Google’s decision to call time on third-party cookies has put in motion a period of intense recalibration. There are challenges that we need to navigate but, 通过整个行业的合作, we have a unique opportunity to redraw the digital ad ecosystem around user experience and build a better web for all parties - consumers, 广告商和出版商.

It’s not an opportunity we can pass up; consumer trust in all advertising, 包括数字, is faltering according to the Advertising Association’s research. By reconfiguring user ID solutions and prioritising privacy, 我们现在可以做出广泛而有意义的改变. 不要在上面画太细的点, but none of us should underestimate how much getting this right matters.

但是改变是什么样子的呢? What can we actually expect from a cookie-less future? 在我的会议之前 Mediatel’s Future of Media Trading event on 14 May, I want to share how we at IAB UK are working with our members and the wider industry to lead the UK’s response, shape solutions and feed into global initiatives; including Google’s 隐私 Sandbox and IAB Tech Labs’ Project Rearc.

If you’re not yet engaging with our work in this area, get in touch and get involved. No single country or organisation will be able to deliver a solution alone and collaboration will be crucial at every stage.

我们还不能说我们有解决办法. What we can do is lay out the principles that we believe any future solution needs to meet in order to align with and deliver on our core vision; building a sustainable future for digital advertising.

为了实现这个目标, we need to ensure that there is transparency around what data is being collected, 谁在使用它,如何使用. We need to give users control over their own data and make privacy opt-out by default. We need to allow for relevant ads to be served, but in a way that respects the consumer experience by not supporting intrusive, 讨厌的广告和过多的频率.

为广告客户, we need to provide a fraud-free environment and the ability and control to protect their brands online. We need to allow them to understand the value of the vendors they are working with and to have control over where their money is being spent.

对于出版商来说, we need to support quality journalism and accurate information so that they can effectively monetise their content via ads. 如果没有这个, we run the risk of creating an information elite, where quality news content is only available to those that have the means to pay for it.

Only by putting these ideas at the heart of our work on user identity can we fully embrace the opportunity we now have. To get the best possible outcome for all of us, we need to look beyond the technical solutions available and consider what the ad funded web should - and needs - to be. 通过利用这些核心原则, we can make the tech work for us in a way that third-party cookies never have.

There’s no denying that developing a solution - or set of solutions - that delivers on this will be a challenging process. 对于一些, use of third-party cookies is baked into the fabric of their business models, making it all the more important that we engage with all parts of the industry to develop a viable alternative. 通过共同努力, we can fully embrace this chance to build a better web - for both users and advertisers. 我们不要浪费它.








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